For Christians God is understood and known as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. …Father… God is love, caring for creation and for every human being as God's beloved child.
…Son… God is as he has revealed himself to be in the historical person of Jesus Christ. Jesus' life, death and resurrection hold the key to knowing and loving God, and to making sense of life, before and after death.
…and Holy Spirit… God is alive, loving and active today, inspiring faith, justice and truth, sustaining the life of the world, giving spiritual gifts to the church and bearing his spiritual fruit in the world - changed lives and a transformed society.
The Gospel is the Good News that a loving God has taken the initiative to forgive us and love us by grace alone by faith in Him.
We reach out to others who don't know Jesus Christ and build a christain community where lives can be transformed.
We are a loving and joyful place to call "home"
To introduce people to Jesus Christ through evangelism and help people of all ages to become deeply committed Christians through discipleship.
As we do his work, it will be done with true integrity and passion, through faith that is expressed in commitment, joy and love.
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1. The Gospel is the Good News that a loving God has taken the initiative to save us by grace alone by faith in him.
2. We reach out to others who don't know Jesus Christ and build a Christian Community where lives can be transformed.
3. We are a loving and joyful place to call "home."
4. To introduce people through evangelism and help people of all ages to become deeply committed Christians through discipleship.
United Methodists are the second largest Protestant denomination in America and have played a significant role in shaping our nation.
We are willing to ask questions, to wrestle with difficult issues, and to do so with grace and compassion.
We have historically valued well-informed and passionate preaching, worship that was lively, and small groups where people could grow in faith.
John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, had his heart “strangely warmed” by the touch of God’s grace, this historical perspective gives weight to the principles he instituted for us as Methodists.
Methodists have open hearts, and open minds, open doors--and welcome anyone interested in learning more about the Christian faith.
Our Understanding of Holy Communion...
Holy Communion is the highest sacrament of the United Methodist Church.
In Holy Communion, we remember and proclaim God's saving work through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We are reminded again of the gifts of God's grace and forgiveness given to each of us. In communion, we celebrate what God is doing among us and in us.
In the United Methodist Church, Holy Communion is open to all people. You do not have to be a member to participate.
Stewardship and Generosity
Is a way of life that recognizes that everything we have is God’s, and we are simply managing those resources while here on earth.
The Bible is filled with examples of grateful response to God's generous gifts. We are also taught in the Bible about our personal responsibility to share with others and warns us against selfishness and misuse of God's economic resources.
The church is much more than raising money it is managing property, finances and other business.
Methodist Approach to Stewardship
John Wesley urged those in connection with him to "Earn all you can and save all you can, so that you can give all you can."
He modeled modest living and sacrificial giving. Wesley made sure those early classes of "Methodists" took weekly offerings to help others in need.
As United Methodists today we join to help all of God's children in need, around the world, and in whatever needs there may be. We do this whenever we can.
When the crowd grew hungry Jesus multiplied the loaves and fishes to nourish them. We are the hands and feet of Christ on earth today sharing his outreaching love. It is in generosity we experience joy and find life.
Your giving is an act of worship and makes possible the ministry of this church enabling us to reach out to the communities, transforming lives and renewing the church.