Monthly Calendar
Reflection & Prayer
Church Ministries
Our Pastor
Our Story
What We Believe
Meeting Us
Supply Pastor

                           Journey of Faith United Methodist Church
                                    1200 El Paso Blvd
                                    Denver, CO 80221

                                    Tel 303 429 7181
                             E-mail  Jofumc2@aol.com


             Pastor Rev. F. Latham-Durrant
             Supply Pastor Ingrid De Ruiter

                                                The Lord told Abraham his descendants would 
                                                     “number more than the stars in the sky." 

                                                                                         Genesis Chapter 15

                                 So Abraham stepped out in faith and followed the Lord. 

                                  Like Abraham we continue to move forward in faith -                                        you're invited to journey along with us - will you?

                                   Our calling is to be a community for worship, 

                friendship, and caring, sharing the love of God with all people. 

                        Our Sunday Service is held weekly at 10:00 a.m.

                                             Nursery Care is available